Most people think of interior painting as something to be done when they are redecorating, but it is also something you might consider if the paint colour has faded, making it less appealing to you than it once was. Because paint fades slowly, you might not realize that it isn’t the same until you move the furniture or take a look at the window sills or trim. These areas often need to be repainted more frequently because they get the most sun exposure and can also be affected by condensation issues.

If your window sills and trim have faded, you can work with the same painter you hired previously, as they’ll have kept a record of the colour used or will have left you with any leftover paint they had used. Keep in mind, however, that just repainting the sills and trim may not be enough if the sun has also faded adjacent areas. Your painter will be able to assess the situation and provide you with a recommendation for how to get your room looking its best again.
Here at Complete Value Painting in Collingwood, Ontario, our staff has over 200 years of combined experience, so we are confident you will be treated well by any painter we send to your home to resolve a fading issue or provide a quote for repainting all or part of a room in your home. We never contract our work out, so we can provide you with completion in a timely manner and the quality workmanship you deserve. Call today to learn more.